Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader Angela Haines

ABOUT AngelA Haines

Angela is a psychic medium with over 15 years of experience in reading tarot cards and offering psychic guidance on areas around love, relationship and career. 

She studied and continue to study at the famous Arthur Findlay College, Home of The Spiritualist Union; and continue to hone her craft by going every year. She also sit in psychic circle regularly every week! and also teach the art of telepathic communication and psychic development.

Reading style - Love & Relationships, Clairvoyant, Angel Card, Tarot, Psychic, Dream Interpretation, Medium, Spirit Guide, Reiki, Oracle Cards, Psychic Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Psychic Medium, Astrology, Clairaudient

Her PIN number is 3636

Psychic Medium Angela Haines

More About The Psychic Medium and Tarot Card Reader

Tell us a bit more about yourself

Ever since I was very young, I always knew that there was 'more' than the human eye could see. I couldn't explain it at that age but I just knew that there was more... As young as my teenage years, I was drawn to India which was a catalyst in my spiritual development. I have been over 5 times, travelled extensively around the country and lived in Mumbai, Madurai and Goa where I developed on a soul level. I have been reading tarot cards and developing my psychic gift for the last 14 years and later on developed the gift of mediumship. I have given psychic mediumship readings and channeled spirit through platform work in various spiritualist churches around London. I would say I really learned these gifts through my life journey and own experience. - After a significant breakup with a long term partner I started developing the gift of telepathy, hearing his thoughts and feeling his feelings. This continued for 7 years, in that time, I also began to 'tap' into conversations and thoughts from other people who knew me. At first I didn't understand what was happening, but then after some time, I realised that I had developed the art of telepathic communication. This telepathic ability has evolved and now I am given psychic insights through dreams, have astral travelled and have had conversations with my loved ones who have passed over. - To me that is the greatest gift, to know that we don't 'die' and that our loved ones are always around us and guiding us.

What do you enjoy the most about giving a reading to a client?

I love helping people. My readings are not only psychic mediumship predictions but I give guidance that comes through. I love to see my clients uplifted and feeling better. I also love it when my 'markers in time' come in, sometimes spirit give me 'markers' which is a sign to look out for. Sometimes these come in in the most magical and obscure ways.

What is your experience as a tarot reader?

I have been a psychic medium, reading tarot for over 15 years and now teach in my private work clients how to read the cards. They can truly be your best friend - they have predicted break ups, redundancies, break ups and new love amongst everything else!

Any memorable experience with a client?

I specialise in relationships and can tune into their emotions and feelings. One client I helped over the course of a year finally get with the guy she desired but had been non commited previously. She applied my tactics and really took my spirit's guidance well and now they are very happy together and he dotes on her! - I love positive outcomes like this as it makes my work so rewarding.
